Musician To Watch: J Bucks | The Black Juice

With the emergence of social media, our lives are much more intertwined. Social Media makes it so easy to connect with people around the globe. The beauty of social media is that it brings together people who share many of the same interests, one of those interest being music. Hashtags has made finding the outfit of the day (#ootd), hottest shoes (#versace), and even new and emerging indie artist (#indieartist; #indiemusic) easier.

Being a music aficionado, I can say that I have a good ear for quality music, which speaks to the soul. I came across a young man, with a unique sound, a voice that is timeless, and music that feels good. His voice can be compared to the likes of Eddie Kendricks, mixed with David Ruffin, and a little bit of Marvin Gaye.

Meet J. Charles Bucks

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Genre: Soul

Comparison: David Ruffin

J. Charles Buck’s music is timeless and his voice is one that listeners will never grow tired of. With an old soul, his voice takes you back to an era, where quality lyrics meant more than an image. Coming from the blues capital Memphis, TN., he infuses jazz, blues, and R&B with gospel undertones. Right from track one, you will feel his music resonate way down in your soul. Mr. Buck is what I would like to call a lyricist, and in today’s industry, that’s a rare find. His album, “The J. Buck Experience,” is available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Googleplay. After listening to his entire album, I am having a hard time choosing which song is my favorite, but I would have to say that it is a tie between “Find Another You” and “God is Good.”

His music not only inspires, but it also soothes, and will keep the toes tapping while on steady repeat.  He is a former lead singer of the neo-soul trio from Murfreesboro, TN., named Mocha Latte. It was there where Bucks was able to stand out with his sultry voice, and unforgettable performances. He gives the audience what they want, what they need, and a listening experience that they won’t forget. You can keep up with Mr. Buck on Instagram, @j.buckmusic), and on his website at His new LP, Love Matters is scheduled to be released this upcoming May.

 If you’re in the Memphis or Murfreesboro area, make sure to check him out at one of his upcoming performances. Two of his upcoming shows include:

Prospective Presents: The Unsigned Artist Showcase

Admission $10; Sunday, March 13, 2016

@ The Block

Located at 123 SE Broad St.

Murfreesboro, TN.

And another show on March 21, 2016, on Local Memphis Live-9am

It’s a live broadcast, airing on ABC Channel 24

Check out this very talented brutha and spread the word.

~Marquita Davis

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